10 Cheap Healthy Grocery Staples – Eat Well on a Budget!

Eating well on a budget doesn't have to be hard! Check out these great budget grocery staples. Grocery list on a budget. Cheap and healthy grocery staples. Clean eating.

There seems to be a stigma around eating healthy that causes people to think that healthy foods are expensive. Maybe part of that comes down to an ever-growing health and fitness industry. There seem to be new “health foods” on the market each day. These snacks tend to be packaged, processed, and come with a high price tag. The truth is that eating well just comes down to making good choices. Eating foods in their natural form, without added preservatives and other modifications is the best way to “eat clean.” It doesn’t have to be hard and it doesn’t need to be expensive. Check out this list of 10 cheap healthy grocery staples for some ideas of how you can eat well on a budget. read more

10 Lessons About Eating That We Can Learn From Baby

As parents, we tend to take care of our babies better than we take care of ourselves! Check out this post for 10 Lessons About Eating That We Can Learn From Baby. Parenting truths. Parenting humor. Healthy eating. Clean eating.

It’s the story of our lives when it comes to parenting – we all want what is best for our babies! Sometimes…most of the time…we are much more careful about the choices that we make for our children than we are about ourselves. We do research, check labels, ask their doctors, take advice, and carefully plan everything that going on, near, or into their little bodies. Maybe we should take a little lesson from them for a change. Here are 10 lessons about eating that we can learn from baby. read more