Working Mom, Stay at Home Mom, or Work from Home Mom – which is the best choice for you?

How do you decide if returning to work is really the right choice for you? Should you be a stay at home mom, working mom, or work from home mom? #sahm #workingmom #wahm #stayathomemom #workfromhome

In a world where we like to categorize things and people, the type of mom you are may mean a lot to you! There are many moms who identify very strongly as a “crunchy mom,” “millennial mom,” “new age mom,” “old fashioned mom,” “overprotective mom,” “relaxed mom,” the list can go on and on. One of the biggest labels that determines how you see yourself as a mom is frequently your occupation. Whether you are a working mom, a stay-at-home mom, or a work-from-home mom will have a huge impact on how you raise your family! In fact, this can sometimes feel like the biggest decision associated with becoming a mother. The tough part is that no one path is best for every family. How do you decide which choice is right for you? read more

How to Mentally Prepare to Return to Work as a New Mom

Going back to work after having a baby is a huge transition! Check out these tips for preparing yourself to return to work. #newmom #workingmom #momlife #pregnant #firsttimemom

Last Halloween, I remember sitting on my couch holding my tiny 6-week-old son next to an old friend. His sister had a baby right before I did, and in conversation he casually said to me “are you so ready to get back to work? My sister can’t wait to get back to normal.” I wasn’t really sure that I understood what he was saying! I could not imagine leaving my son alone all day, let alone being excited to go back to work. Even more, I couldn’t imagine anything in my life being “normal” the way that it had been before my baby was born. read more