How to Write a Birth Plan (with printable birth plan worksheet)

There are many things to consider as you prepare for labor and delivery. Use this birth plan worksheet to help outline how you want your birth experience to go. Things to consider when writing a birth plan Birth plan worksheet Birth plan template How to write a birth plan Printable birth plan Birth plan outline

We are coming up on my son’s first birthday, and it seems like the last year has flown by in a blur! So much has changed in the last year, and I have learned a lot about myself and being a mom. One of the things that I was thinking about a lot this time last year was my son’s birth – not just his arrival, but the labor and birth itself. I took a birthing class, read plenty of birth stories, and prepared myself for the unexpected. You cannot plan how your labor and delivery will go entirely, but there are a lot of things that you can decide. Having a plan will help keep you calm and keep things going smoothly. Read on to learn about how to write a birth plan and download a printable birth plan worksheet. read more

How to Use Link Parties to Promote your Blog

One of the easiest ways that I have found to increase traffic and make new blogger connections is with link parties and blog hops. They are fun, easy to use, and you can spend as much or as little time with them as you want. In addition to increasing your traffic, you will discover some great posts that you would have otherwise missed. read more

Managing Health & Fitness

Push ups are a great exercise for toning, building strength, and recovering after an injury or postpartum. Try this work out challenge to work your way up to 30 pushups in a day.

35 Day Pushup Challenge

Push ups are really as close to a perfect exercise as it gets. They are great for toning, strengthening, and building endurance. Just this one exercise works your arms, shoulders, back, abs, and legs. Doing push ups every day is an easy way to work exercise into your routine. This challenge will help you to grow the number of push ups that you can do at once while working on your strength. By the end of this challenge you will be doing thirty push ups in a day. read more

Managing Baby

Everyone told me that there would be a lot of diaper changes, but no one told me “Once your child starts crawling, be prepared for a wrestling match at each diaper change.” To hear the nine other things that no one tells you about diaper changes, head on over to

10 Things No One Tells You About Diaper Changes

One thing that all new parents expect to spend plenty of time doing is changing baby’s diaper! I’m sure you’ve been thoroughly warned about the sheer amount of time that is spent changing diaper after diaper when you bring your little one home. For the most part, changing a baby’s diaper is a no-brainer, repetitive activity. There are a few things, however, that all of the advice givers tend to leave out. Keep reading for 10 things that no one tells you about changing baby’s diaper. read more