Homemade Orange Spice Cleaner

Are you looking for a natural cleaner for your home's surfaces? Check out this homemade orange spice cleaner recipe! #greencleaning #essentialoils #DIY #vinegar

Cleaning with vinegar is a trick that goes back generations. It’s a simple, inexpensive, natural alternative to many chemicals that we use to clean our homes. Unfortunately, many people don’t really like the smell of vinegar, and it is one that can linger. This homemade orange spice cleaner masks the vinegar smell plus adds in oranges, which are said to have antibacterial properties of their own. Throw in some germ-busting essential oils, and you have a great multipurpose solution that will clean your home’s surfaces and leave behind a nice, pleasant smell behind! Check out my recipe for homemade orange spice cleaner below. read more

8 Moves to Work Your Abs During Pregnancy

Keeping your core strong during pregnancy will help with back pain, waddling, child birth, and recovering after baby is born. Check out these 8 moves to work your abs during pregnancy. #fitpregnancy #pregnancy #pregnant #fitmom #prenatalexercise

Having a happy, healthy pregnancy is every expecting mama’s number one goal, right? Well, I would hope so at least. Many of us are focused on staying in shape through pregnancy with the end goal of getting back into shape quickly after baby is born. The truth is that keeping up your health and fitness during pregnancy will help your pregnancy itself to go more smoothly! Keeping your core strengthened and engaged will prevent (or at least help) back pain, lessen the pregnancy waddle, improve your balance, and help when the time comes to deliver baby. The trouble is that your abs are now shaped differently and need to be worked in different ways. Everyone’s comfort level and exercise style is different, but here are a few suggestions. Keep reading for 8 moves to work your abs during pregnancy. read more

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness: Our Story

Did you know that 15-20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage? October is pregnancy and infant loss awareness month, and it's time to tell our stories. #pregnancyloss #infantloss #miscarriage

It seems like there’s a national month or day for everything now, doesn’t it? At some point they all start to feel like someone just made them up yesterday. I was surprised to learn that national Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month was started by Ronald Reagan. This topic has been on the verge of making itself known since the 1980’s. Even still, it’s something that we don’t know how to talk about. How do we make something so personal a part of casual conversation? How do we prepare young men and women for such a devastating possibility without taking the joy out of growing their family? It’s a hard concept to normalize because it has so many different meanings to so many different people.  read more

Boudreaux’s Rash Kicking Kit… Because Butt Paste is the Best

Are you looking for a baby shower gift or items to add to your baby registry? Butt Paste is a must for all new parents! #buttpaste #diaperrash #diapercream #diapers

I remember when we were creating our registry for our first son in Target. There are so many products to choose from, and as a new mom, you always want to pick the very best for your kiddo. There was a mom walking by with a 9-month-ish-old little boy. She chuckled and smiled remembering being an expecting parent and creating a baby registry. She stopped and asked “can I give you one tip?” Of course, we said yes because new parents are clueless and advice is (usually) appreciated. She picked up a tube of Butt Paste and said “skip all the other diaper rash creams. You need this one.” read more

25 Super Easy Almond Butter Snack Ideas

Looking for some easy almond butter snack ideas? Check out these 25 great almond butter snack recipes. #snacks #healthysnack #almondbutter

Have you jumped on the big nut butter bandwagon yet? As many people seem to be stumbling across the benefits of a plant-based diet, it seems like nut butters are becoming more and more popular. I know that I am definitely a fan of pretty much any variety – peanut butter, hazelnut spread, and definitely almond butter. The one challenge that I have with nut butters is finding a variety of ways to use them. I tend to stick with fruit, waffles, or smoothies as my three go-to nut butter carriers. I scoured my brain and the internet to find these ## no-fuss ways to use almond butter for your snacking pleasure. See below for some great almond butter snack ideas. read more

14 Perfect Fall Nail Polish Colors

Do you love a nice fall nail polish color? Check out these awesome shades that are perfect for fall! #nailpolish #fallfashion #Avon #bosslife #fallnailpolish

Fall is coming, fall is coming! If you can’t tell, I am a little bit excited. I love the cool dry air, the crunching leaves, and of course fall fashion colors. I love a good, deep nail polish year round, but they seem to be the in thing when fall comes around. Avon has a few really great shades that I am looking forward to trying out this year! Keep scrolling to check out a few of my favorites. There’s still time to order just in time for fall. If you’re new to Avon, or just haven’t created an account yet, you can use code WELCOME10 to get 10% off your first order. read more

How to Start a Household Budget

Starting a budget is the first step to getting your finances in check. Read this post to find out how to start a household budget and get a template to get you started.

Are you one of those people who looks at your bank account a week after payday and thinks “Where did my paycheck go?” Would you like to to cut your spending? Do you want to save money for a vacation or big purchase? The easiest way to make more sense of your financial situation is with a very thorough budget. Unfortunately, most people have no idea how to start a household budget. It can be an intimidating idea, but in reality starting a budget for your home doesn’t have to be hard. read more

Working Mom, Stay at Home Mom, or Work from Home Mom – which is the best choice for you?

How do you decide if returning to work is really the right choice for you? Should you be a stay at home mom, working mom, or work from home mom? #sahm #workingmom #wahm #stayathomemom #workfromhome

In a world where we like to categorize things and people, the type of mom you are may mean a lot to you! There are many moms who identify very strongly as a “crunchy mom,” “millennial mom,” “new age mom,” “old fashioned mom,” “overprotective mom,” “relaxed mom,” the list can go on and on. One of the biggest labels that determines how you see yourself as a mom is frequently your occupation. Whether you are a working mom, a stay-at-home mom, or a work-from-home mom will have a huge impact on how you raise your family! In fact, this can sometimes feel like the biggest decision associated with becoming a mother. The tough part is that no one path is best for every family. How do you decide which choice is right for you? read more

Stock Your Home for Back to School Season

[#ad] Check out these great deals from Kleenex, Scott, Cottonelle and Viva for back to school. #shopbacktoschool #backtoschool #dealsformom

Can you believe that it’s August already? It still feels like summer where we are, but I know that fall is just around the corner. It’s time to start thinking about crunchy leaves, cozy sweaters, and pumpkin baked goods! Ok, I may be getting a little ahead of myself. It is actually time to think about sending the kiddos back to school and switching gears into our fall schedules. Whether your little ones are headed off to school for the first time, returning to a higher grade level, or resuming their fall daycare schedules, Amazon can help cut down the shopping stress by delivering your school supplies and household staples right to your home. Check out this great deal to stock your home, your backpacks, or your children’s classrooms with the paper products that you need to be prepared. read more

5 Signs Your Toddler Might Be Ready For Potty Training

[ad] When it comes to potty training, timing is everything! Check out these 5 signs that your toddler might be ready for potty training. #huggies #pullups #toddlermom @PullUpsBigKid @PullUps @PullUpsBigKid @Pull-Ups #NationalPottyTrainingMonth #PottyTraining

When you have a baby or young toddler, it can feel like diapers are just a part of your life and always will be. The good news is that one day, all of the diaper changes will come to an end! June is national potty training month, so now is the perfect time to look forward to the transition out of diapers for good. Someday your little one will be potty trained and gain a huge amount of independence. Right now, it probably seems like that day is far off, but your toddler may already be giving you signs that the time for potty training is coming. The timing needs to be right in order to make potty training a smooth transition for the whole family. Check out these 5 signs that your toddler may be ready to start potty training soon. read more