Once Again Hazelnut Amore Spread

Check out this review of Once Again's Hazelnut Amore spread for a great less guilty pleasure treat! #ad #momsmeet #organic

I will be the first to admit that I was a big sugar fiend as a kid and all the way through college. (In fact, I already admitted it to you all in a post last month.) As most people do, I have outgrown my sweet tooth…to a big extent. Even now, I am a big sucker for donuts and anything dark chocolate. This includes chocolate hazelnut spread and chocolate peanut butter! My husband has told me that I shouldn’t be allowed to buy them because I will go through a jar so quickly. Oops! Recently, I had the chance to try out a new (new to me anyway) hazelnut spread from Once Again Nut Butter. Keep reading to hear my thoughts and where to find some yummy recipes. read more