Cloth Diaper Baby Registry

Are you interested in cloth diapering your new baby? Check out this post on what to add to your cloth diaper baby registry. Cloth diapers, cloth diapers 101, cloth diapers for beginners

Cloth diapers seem to be making a come back in a big way! They can be more affordable, more environmentally friendly, and in some ways even more convenient than using disposable diapers. (No more last-minute Target runs because you didn’t realize that you didn’t have a back-up box!) We made the switch with our second baby, and have had a great experience so far. The most daunting part of cloth diapering is just getting started! It can seem like there are a lot of things to buy and a lot of options to chose from. If you are going to be creating a baby registry, you can add a lot of diapering essentials to that list to get you started. Check out this post for a how-to on creating a cloth diaper baby registry. It will walk you through all of the essentials that you should include to be ready to go when baby arrives.  read more